Dr Jessica Day
Royal Melbourne Hospital, WEHI
Dr Jessica Day is a rheumatologist and clinician scientist with clinical and academic expertise in myositis. She completed her PhD as an NHMRC-funded scholar on immune-mediated necrotising myopathy at University of South Australia in 2019. Her PhD identified high rates of permanent disability in IMNM despite immunotherapy owing to irreversible fibrofatty replacement of muscle. She has undertaken research placements at world-renowned myositis institutions including the Karolinska Institute, Salford Royal NHS and the Royal Adelaide Hospital. In 2019, she received the John Reid Centenary Fellowship and commenced post-doctoral studies on myositis at WEHI where she is studying mechanisms of muscle fibrosis and muscle cell death. She is establishing the first Victorian Translational Myositis Research Program which will be situated in the Melbourne Parkville Medical Precinct and comprise both innovative clinical studies, a myositis registry and laboratory-based discovery projects. Alongside her academic pursuits, she has sought and secured funding for a dedicated myositis clinic at the Royal Melbourne Hospital which she established in May 2021.